The Temptation

. . . some of the amazing, wonderful, and artistic creations concerning the temptation and its aftermath . . .


"Eden 2"

Artist & Copyright : Sandra Yagi

To see all the wonderful and celebrated art of Sandra Yagi, please go to :


"Seduction of Adam and Eve"

 Artist & copyright : Dan Fergus

The above art can be found at:

More of Dan Fergus' artwork can also be found at:


"What went wrong"

Artist and Copyright: Frans Mensink

For more beautiful and diverse (and cheeky) art by Frans Mensink:


"The Whore"                                                     "the Fruit"    

 Artist & copyright : Dani Kaulakis

Of the above art, Dani says:

"The Whore" was originally a cover piece for a graphic novel that I've never completed. The piece in of itself examines the role Eve plays in the genesis story and how biblical narrative paints her as being the "greater" sinner. With this piece I was also trying to draw parallels from her punishment (to lust for her husband, but bear children in agony for it) to the derogatory term "whore" (a woman who engages in sexual acts for fun or money but suffers a severe social stigma for her

In "the Fruit" piece I was trying to explore the consequences of the
Tree of Knowledge story and how such an action impacts the character in
Genisis as well as humanity as a whole.

More of Dani Kaulakis' art can be seen at:



"Portrait of Eve and the Snake"

Artist & copyright: Hyla Shifra Bolsta 


"Garden of Eden"  (left panel)  

 Artist & copyright : Jeriah Hildwine

One part of the "Garden of Eden" triptych.

Of the above art, Jeriah says:

"This is the left hand panel. Adam, seeing Eve for the first time, is popping a huge boner: it's literally the first boner on earth! Notice that Adam and Eve are blonde-haired, blue-eyed Caucasians (isn't that how we picture the Bible? Hardly in the Middle East!), also that Adam is circumcised, and that neither of them have belly buttons. Why would they?"

To see the whole triptych, and more of Jeriah Hildwine's art, please go to:


"Mischief In Paradise"

Artist & copyright : Jade Bengco 

Be sure to click onto Jade's site to read her own explanation/thoughts about the artwork.

Jade Bengco has graciously allowed other artistic pieces for the book . . . you can see another of Jade's gallery at:



Artist & Copyright : Tiffany A. Toland

Tiffany has generously offered a number of artworks to the book, and this is Tiffany's very lastest work!

For Tiffany A. Toland's above art, and many other wonderful pieces, please go to :



Artist & copyright: Dale Ziemianski


"The Temptation of Eve"

Artist & copyright : Jessica Newman

For more of  Jessica Newman's unique art:


"Eve of Eden"

Artist & Copyright : Eva May

For the above art piece, and also wearable art,  please go to Eva May's websites:



"Mermaid Eve"

Artist & Copyright : Andy Zigmunt

For the above and more wonderful art please go to Andy Zigmunt's website:


"Garden of Eden"

Artist & copyright : Rhys Griffiths 

The above is an example of the digiital photomanipulation art - 

click the link see the diifering stock art used by Rhys Griffiths to create this artwork.

Rhys Griffiths has kindly provided 5 artworks for the book.


"Forbidden Fruit II"

Artist & copyright : Hakan Hasim

Hakan Hasim has provided a large number of artworks to be used in the book.


"The Temptation of Eve"

Artist & copyright : Julie Wright

To view this artwork and read Julie's information/reflection about this piece, please go to: 

Please take the time to also view Julie Wright's other website:


"Tree of Life"

Artist & Copyright : Amanda Sage

For the above, and many more of Amanda Sage's wonderful art :


"Between Temptation and Borrowed Time"

Artist & Copyright : Lissa Hatcher

Model : R. Owen

For more of Lissa's art

please go to Lissa Hatcher's website:


"Black Widow"

Photographer & copyright : Dan Hostettler

Model : Kyla Cole

Of this artistic photograph, Dan says :

"I think it's not a femme fatale when someone is not doing it to
manipulate men or be like a black widow.

She loves him. She does it out of love.
She wants him so badly to stay with her."

For more art of Dan Hostettler, please visit :


"aurora's awakening"

Photographer & copyright : Natasha Hataiiia

Model : Tiana 

Natasha has been very gracious to me since the very early stages of collecting art for the book .  . .

 and is a Principal Photographer within the book.

The above artistic piece is one of my favorite works of art . . .

Please check out more of Natasha Hataiiia's wonderful artistic photography:
