

"Creation and the Garden of Eden : images & perspectives

This book is designed to be a coffee table Art book in which the stories of Creation and Eden (ancient in origin) are brought to life through contemporary art. Over 90 artists, using mediums of canvas, digital, photography, body art, wood, stone, glass, tattoo, and cartoon, bring their own unique spin to these age-old narratives; art which is beautiful, inspiring, erotic, humorous, and even contentious. All this wonderful art is brought together in one beautiful Art book making it, arguably, the best compilation of contemporary art featuring Eve & Adam!

The stories of Creation and Eden, as found in the Book of Genesis, were - in the past - simply part of the domain of Judaism and Christianity. Yet these narratives evolved over time, and have become part of the fabric of Western psyche. Thus, like their art, the artists themselves reflect a variety of backgrounds:  some are religious, but others are agnostics, irreligious, and atheists.

 The art in this book is tethered to a deliberate movement examining – with brief and simple texts – the various current and historical views of Creation and Eden, and their impact on society.  For instance, within the Conservative section, the book shows Art which portrays the male/fatherhood of God.  Within the Progressive section, the Femininity of God is discussed, with some wonderful contemporary art that illustrates the same.


The movement of the book – through art and text – is generally more “left-wing” in its approach, as it seeks to show support for feminism, equality, and non-traditional relationships. Other issues which are central to human existence, but that are regarded by some as taboo, are also gently explored in the artwork included in this book.  I believe that the key to peace is communication, and I hope that this book would be an important part of the process in encouraging people to talk about ideas in an environment of peace and goodwill: a sign of a mature, adult, society.


This book is a true Art book, with enough text throughout the book to ensure the reader can consider a variety of perspectives - serious, humorous, simplistic and occasionally even academic, evaluating and enjoying the artwork.  In a very real sense, the art within this book represents the full gamut of human emotions from serious to comical - in this way this Art book is a reflection of humanity itself!

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Special Thanks I am incredibly indebted to every artist who is associated with this book, but Special thanks go to a number of artists who have been of wonderful support to me :

Natasha Hataiiia, for being the first artist to allow me to utilise Natasha's site for the purpose of advertising the book to other artists. Furthermore, Natasha Hataiiia, Jeff Neugenbauer, and Philip Hallawell have allowed their art to be part of the book's proposal to potential publishers. Thank you again.

Tony Kemp

Centauress Books