This page contains some of the art that has been especially created for this book!

I am extremely appreciative of the

 kind and generous support of these wonderful artists!!! 


Artist & copyright: David Ducarteron 

"mon Eve/ma tentation"

 Model: Nathalie Fara


David  has been wonderfully supportive, and I just love this artpiece featuring the 3 movements of the temptation story - the more I look at is the more I see - its just fantastic! 

You can see more of David Ducarteron's  art at:


Artist & copyright : Antoine Litzler


"A modern look at the Bible" 

Antoine created the above artwork specifically for the book, to illustrate "Song of Songs 7. 6-9" which I use to show the sensual nature of the breast in Ancient Times.

Antoine Litzler has also graciously allowed his "Goddesses Series" to be used in the book to illustrate the femininity of god.  You can also see this at:


Artist & copyright: W H Teddy


"Memories Like Fireworks and Fragile Smiles"

I asked if W. H. could create an unique version of the forbidden fruit and this is the amazing result!


You can see more of Well Hung Teddy's art at:



Artist & copyright: Camilla Drakenborg 

"After the Apple"

Camilla Drakenborg's beautiful art can be seen at:


Artist & copyright : Paul John Ballard 


Paul Ballard kindly created this art piece for use in the "Goddess" gallery! 

You can see more of Paul's art:
