The Forbidden Fruit Gallery

The "Forbidden Fruit" is an important element of the Eden story . . . the forbidden fruit - to some - symbolizes sex, to others it symbolizes the parts of the anatomy that symbolized fertility - the vulva, and the breast. 

Often, in art, these members are symbolized by the apple . . . other art takes delight in re-imagining this symbolizm through other types of fruit . . . and other artists use other creative forms . . .

in the process there is a move from the forbidden aspect of sexuality to a (somewhat cheeky) celebration of the human body!



"Forbidden Fruit"

Photographic Artist & copyright : JaVar Cecil

For more of JaVar Cecil's art: 


"Offering of the Forbidden Fruit"

Photographic artist & copyright : Stephen Greensides

Model : Shauna

For the above art, and more wonderful creations, please go to Stephen Greensides


"Like a Virgin"

Photographic Artist & copyright : Ben Goossens

Ben is a Principal Photographer of the book . . . for the above and many other artistic artwotks by Ben Goossens, please go to the following websites:


 "Cherry Bomb"

Artist & copyright : David Nestler

Model : Asia Devinyl

To see more of David Nestler's wonderful art, please go to:



"forbidden fruits : colored phantasy images #52"

Photographic artist & copyright : Kai Eckhardt

The above and below artworks, together with many other wonderful pieces can be found in Kai Eckhardt's website:

"forbidden fruits : colored phantasy images # 7"



Artist & copyright : Lorenzo Di Mauro

Model : Julie Strain

For the above and many more fantastic art pieces , please go to the website Lorenzo Di Mauro:



Photographic artist & copyright : Igor Pose

For the above and all of Igor's wonderful creations, please go to the website of Igor Pose:


 "UV Sunrise Front"

Photographic artist & copyright : Robert Babylon

Robert is a Principal Photographer of the book . . . for the above photograph, and many more artistic works,  please go to Robert Babylon's website:
