$5  Donation:

Have a virtual 'High Five' from us!
a mention on the "Centauress Books" Facebook page!!!

 $10 Donation:

Name of Donator mentioned on Centauress Books Facebook page, as well as on this Website!

$150 Donation:

One (1) art book - and dinner for the donator + partner with the writer (Antonius) and his partner ... at a location in Mandurah/Wannanup (Western Australia) - chosen by Antonius at an agreed time. 

Costs of travelling to venue not included - responsibility of donator. 

$150 Donation:

Sponsor Package #1

One (1) art book, with your name mentioned as a sponsor in the early pages of the art book - also signed by the writer (Antonius). 

$180 Donation:

Sponsor Package #2

Donator's name in list of "Sponsors" in early page of the art book.
1 x Art book + Centuaress Books Pen, Magnet, and Bookmark

$250 Donation:

Sponsor Package #3

Donator's name in the list of "Sponsors" in early page of the Art Book.

1 x Art Book + Centauress Books Mug, Pen, Magnet and Bookmark

Dinner for Donator + partner with the writer (Antonius) and his partner ... at a location in Mandurah/Wannanup (Western Australia) - chosen by Antonius at an agreed time. 

Costs of travelling to venue not included - responsibility of donator.